**After you receive your Burn Permit Number, please call our non-emergency number (615-896-2520) to provide your address and Permit Number.

In unincorporated Rutherford County, Burn Permits are required from Oct. 15 to May 15
The following tips should be followed when it is safe to conduct a debris burn:
- Check with local authorities to make sure there are no local restrictions on burning currently in place, especially in cities and towns that have their own burning permit system.
- Notify your local fire department and neighbors to let them know your plans to burn
- Do not burn on windy days
- Stay abreast of changing weather conditions
- Establish wide control lines down to bare mineral soil at least five feet wide around burn piles
- Keep fire containment equipment on hand during the fire (e.g. rake, shovel, water)
- Stay with the fire until it is completely out.
To report illegal burning, please call toll-free 1-888-891-TDEC
It is illegal to burn:
- Tires and any rubber products
- Vinyl siding and shingles
- Asphalt shingles and other asphalt roofing materials and demolition debris
- Building material, construction debris and mobile homes
- Plywood, oriented strand board and pressure treated wood, including railroad ties >
- Asbestos-containing materials
- Metals, Aerosol cans, and food cans
- Copper wire or electrical wires
- Any Plastics and other synthetic materials
- Paper products, cardboard, and newspaper
- Any Household garbage/trash
It is also illegal to burn any materials that are transported from one site to another for the purpose of burning.Transporting any materials natural or man-made, dumping, and burning on another site or receiving materials to burn is subject to steep fines. State law allows for a civil penalty of up to $25,000 per day for each day of violation of the Air Quality Act regardless of the size of the burn.
What you Can Burn:
- You may burn only Leaves, branches, trees, stumps, grass clippings etc.
Other Regulations:
- At least 1 person shall be constantly present at the burn site the entire length of the burn.
- Permits are good for 24 hours.
- If burning occur within 100 feet of an occupied building it may occur ONLY if an adult occupant of that structure give written authorization for the burn to occur and has not rescinded authorization in writing.
- Citizens living within the limits of a city or town are encouraged to check with their government for any local burning restrictions that might apply.